Ive' missed my girls!

My Dolly Family As of May 15th, originally uploaded by *redmara*.

I took a bit of a dolly break at the middle of February. Pretty much right after I got done with Perrin the traveling Blythe. I think I was just overwhelmed and had a couple of things go wrong with some customs. Nothing major just enough that it did me in. Plus it was raining pretty much non staop back then.

So I stepped back and worked on other things (no not house work silly....Scrapbooking!)

But those little faces kept staring at me and finally I gave in. I dressed them all last night and took a picture of each of them. I had some new girls I had never taken a single photo of :( I know! bad dolly mama.

So Im back and going to take it slow. not do any crazy 365 or even a doll a week groups. So far so good :)

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