Outside my window… another beautiful day. Spring is finally here (I hope!) Currently 67 and too sunny to be stuck at work!
I am thinking… I really need to get some prep work done for upcoming crops.
I am thankful for… an organized closet (more or less)
I am wearing… black sweater with white shirt jeans black ballet flats.
I am remembering… our wonderful outing this weekend.
I am going… to finish my WTG layout early if it kills me.
I am currently reading… Dead Witch Walking by Kim Harrison
I am hoping… that my tights come in soon. I want to wear some skirts soon!
On my mind… getting my photos edited and ready to print
Noticing that… (well had it pointed out to me)I’ve been a more positive person lately
Pondering these words… Check Engine
From the kitchen… Breadsticks with homemade pesto sauce and a huge salad
Around the house… I am going to try to get down to the garage tonight while it’s so warm.
One of my favorite things… Pesto. Who knew????
From my picture journal… Can you believe this dress looks great on me??