Outside my window… It’s finally sunny after what seems like weeks of rain and grey skies its actually sunny!!! High of 53 today and then of course rain tonight and all day tomorrow. I really need some more sun. This grayness isn’t good for me.
I am thinking… about flying to
I am thankful for… having some me time.
I am wearing… Black polo, black skirt, black tights, teal cardigan and black ballet flats
I am remembering… the journey to good health is a marathon not a sprint.
I am going… to maybe go home early today. I am just not feeling very well. Tired, congested and my ear hurts.
I am currently reading listening to… the Glee soundtrack
I am hoping… I get to a new middle number on my weight loss journey soon. I was sooo close to hitting it this morning but no such luck.
On my mind…
Noticing that… I got a ton scrapbooked over the last month in large part due to the Jump Start your Scrapbooking Challenge on the Freak. 20 pages and counting!
Pondering these words…
From the kitchen… Making homemade spaghetti sauce with our freshly harvested herbs from my aero garden!
Around the house… Must get laundry done tonight since I didn’t get any done this weekend!
One of my favorite things… Art. Sculptures, paintings, sketches, installations. Just everything.
From my picture journal…